
Do you think our personal Information is really safe from strangers and other risks when we make a post?   Answer of question: My coclution is that is that the internet is a really nice and efficent place in where you can get fun, study, work , etc. But also is a thing that can damage your life and of other people more. So the most important is that you stay in intere but im a secure and safety way. Nothing in the cloud is really secure or private so you have to be careful on what you do, what you see and who you talk with in the internet. 
Do you think our personal Information is really safe from strangers and other risks when we make a post? 1.That you have to be very carefull on what you public in all the socias medias, what do you look for and who do you talk to because you can be in a really risky situation. 2.That a social media can change a person life. One example is that you start to chat with someone and to years later that wo person are getting married. So a social media can change all a people life in a good or bad way. 3.When you public or do something in the internet. I will keep there for ever. Because if you say or public something in the internet that thing would be there for ever and it will be never elimated at real. 4.There are many people that see you in your social media and want bad things with you so if you start publicing anything that you will be regretful in the future you should think it two times before you public something or do something in the internet. 5.The internet is

Fails in resources

Why some personal information becomes susceptible of being accessed easily through some online resources? in the webside there a lot of social media that we visited all the days this ones can be very important in your lifestyle. Is were you can communicate with any person, our send a message, public what its happening in your life, our see your friends life, etc. But this can be very dangerous for your personal data, lifestyle, etc. And many people can see your info, location, etc. This can happend in many of the social media that we know like Facebook, instagram, twitter...  This can be an attack on our security. By many people or hackers in the webside, socialmedia etc. Today we are going to see some of the social media and how can they  How it protects our privacy or break it. Facebook Facebook is a social mdia in were you can see people post in any part of the world. In this social media can exist a lot of risk that you can have in this social media that will atta


The misterious part of the cloud.


How cloud computing benefits the education?

How cloud computing benefits the education? (Valentina Orozco 6-C) how the cloud is doing some changes in education field? A//Thanks to cloud computing, people is creating more programs of online education. Also the cloud reduce its cost to do that the schools can do its task and activities in a safety an low-cost way. Other is that the cloud create virtual classrooms that can be very good when a teacher do internet courses to teach its students or put them homeworks, etc. In the past years some business have been providing to schools free access to word processors, spreadsheets,etc. The students have better education because with the cloud they can work and learn in a easily, safety and fast way that help a lot the kids in its process of learning. The students have better education and training. Thanks to cloud-based education more people, students, teachers, etc. Can attend academic an